Hotty Planet: Xbox one Used windows 7 pcs at their booth instead of console

Xbox one Used windows 7 pcs at their booth instead of console

As already Xbox one pre-orders was fallen to Ps4 another shocking news spread over the internet revealing that the Xbox One games that were showcased at E3 2013didn't run on early versions of the console or at least on developer kits.

Photos showing that the games were running on PCs that were powered by Windows 7 and used Nvidia graphics cards have popped up

Xbox-One-Games-at-E3-Ran-on-Windows-7-PCs-With-Nvidia-Graphics-Cards-Report-3Xbox-One-Games-at-E3-Ran-on-Windows-7-PCs-With-Nvidia-Graphics-Cards-Report (1)

credit: softpedia news

Microsoft allowed E3 2013 attendants to try out many Xbox One games at its booth, as the company set up different demo stations composed of large cabinets, an Xbox One controller, and a HDTV screen.

But Inside the cabinets wasn't an Xbox One,or a developer edition, Instead a powerful gaming PC.

According to two separate photos spotted on Twitter and NeoGAF, the PCs ran the Windows 7 operating system and appeared to have powerful Nvidia graphics cards inside.

Microsoft didn’t spoke any word about those pictures.After this news Sony officially said that they used original Ps4 consoles and development kits for demo.

Look like Microsoft is having a bad time.

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