Hotty Planet: Nigella Lawson British cook and TV star assaulted by her husband

Nigella Lawson British cook and TV star assaulted by her husband

Hot TV Cook Star Nigella Lawson Got Choked By her husband Charles Saatchi at Scott's London restaurant.

The Incident was photographed and the abuse news hit all the newspapers.


Saatchi outburst with anger and he grasped her around the neck four times.Nigella seems terrified and  frightened.At one stage he tugged her nose leaving Nigella alarmed.

The couple, due to celebrate their 10th ­anniversary in September, went out for lunch last Sunday
The bust-up came after the ­couple had just finished eating.By the end of the meal she Burst out into tears.


After the incident Nigella walked off By keeping her  hand to her mouth and Flare-up with tears.

Nigella 53 had two children Cosima Thomasina Diamond, Bruno Paul Diamond.she married Charles Saatchi 10years before (in 2003).

  She wrote many books like NIgellissma, Nigella Bites..And has done several Cook shows in popular channels like  TLC.

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