Hotty Planet: MAN OF STEEL to Open Door for Other DC Characters

MAN OF STEEL to Open Door for Other DC Characters



           Warner Bros. has a potential goldmine with the DC Comics license, but their attempts at moving forward on superhero projects have stalled.  Films featuring The Flash and Wonder Woman are stuck in development hell, and the recent script for Justice League had to be scrapped.  So it’s all going to fall on the broad shoulders of Superman.  In a recent interview, Warner Bros. president Jeff Robinov says that Zack Snyder‘s Man of Steel is “setting the tone for what the movies are going to be like going forward. In that, it’s definitely a first step.”

Hit the jump for more including a dismissal of a recent rumor regarding Christopher Nolan and Justice League

Robinov says that the self-contained world of The Dark Knight trilogy will be left behind, and Man of Steel will begin to open up a DC Movie Universe

     “I think you’ll see that, going forward, anything can live in this world,” he said. “[Nolan’s] Batman was deliberately and smartly positioned as a stand-alone. The world they lived in was very isolated without any knowledge of any other superheroes. What Zack and Chris have done with this film is allow you to really introduce other characters into the same world.”

Man of Steel screenwriter David Goyer explains:

“One of the things we dealt with on the Batman films is, Chris dislikes it when you plan something, when you say, ‘I’m going to follow this up in the next film,” Goyer tells EW. “He’s always said put everything you have into this film and then worry about the next film later. That gives the film it’s own integrity as opposed to being part of an overall plan. So of course the comic book fans, it’s hard not to think about [crossovers] but I, having done three Batman films and worked in that way, it’s definitely the approach we took with Man of Steel.”


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