Hotty Planet: China opens the worlds largest New Century Global Center

China opens the worlds largest New Century Global Center

China achieved another milestone by opening the worlds largest standalone structure in chengu a city in southwest China with a population of about 1.4 million.It stands about 328 feet high, 1,640 feet long, and 1,312 feet wide.It isAlmost the area of Monaco, its 420 acres of floor space could fit nearly three Pentagons, four Vatican Cities, or 20 Sydney Opera Houses.

This enormous center includes a water park called Paradise Island, a fake Mediterranean village ,a 14-screen movie theater, a university complex, offices, hotels, , a skating rink that's big enough to host internationall competitions, a pirate ship, 15,000 parking spots, and much more. 

.The roof is made entirely of glass.Visitors will enjoy an artificial sun that gives off light and heat 24 hours a day.It took three years to build this massive structure.


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